We would be glad to see you on Solar & Storage LIVE. We will host demos at our Stand F32. You can come visit us anytime or schedule a one on one meeting.
Suitable for solar professionals of all experience levels
Engage your leads with instant information on their potential savings. Gather required information with custom lead generation forms to respond within minutes
Give your customers instant answers if the project is economically feasible, based on the address of the customer.
Information gathered at Lead Stage is seamlessly moved to Proposal Generation Stage.
Build lead-capturing widgets
Allow your customers to instantly calculate their potential savings
Analyse and prioritise your leads
Gather data required for financial quotation and seamlessly use it in the next step
Export leads to your CRM
Increase your sales by creating accurate and detailed proposals within 5 minutes
Analyze your customer energy consumption
Automatically generate optimal panel layout and calculate energy production
Short processing time & graphic proposals - increased customer conversions
Run financial analysis and calculate long-term savings
Run shading analysis
Export to AutoCAD (DXF) or PDF
Precise modeling and calculations allow you to optimize solar energy system design and present all calculations in one report.
Prepare electrical design automatically and make manual adjustments
Calculate required inverters, place them, divide array on strings and attach strings to proper inverters
Analyze, design and calculate best-fitting inverter combinations
Calculate and add best fitting inverters
Create strings and assign them to inverter
Create Single Line Diagrams
Export to PDF
Lead generation
Proposal generation
Automatic and manual electrical string layout
Project design
On first purchase pay for 1 month and get second for free
Lead generation
Proposal generation
Automatic and manual electrical string layout
Project design (between proposal generation and electrical design)
Bill of material
On first purchase pay for 1 month and get second for free
Lead generation
Proposal generation
Automatic and manual electrical string layout
Project design
On first purchase pay for 1 month and get second for free
Lead generation
Proposal generation
Automatic and manual electrical string layout
Project design (between proposal generation and electrical design)
Bill of material
On first purchase pay for 1 month and get second for free
Build lead-capturing widgets
Allow your customers to instantly calculate their potential savings
Analyse and prioritise your leads
Gather data required for financial quotation and seamlessly use it in the next step
Export leads to your CRM
Increase your sales by creating accurate and detailed proposals within 5 minutes
Analyze your customer energy consumption
Automatically generate optimal panel layout and calculate energy production
Run financial analysis and calculate long-term savings
Run shading analysis
Export to AutoCAD (DXF) or PDF
Prepare electrical design automatically and make manual adjustments
Calculate required inverters, place them, divide array on strings and attach strings to proper inverters
Analyze, design and calculate best-fitting inverter combinations
Calculate and add best fitting inverters
Create strings and assign them to inverter
Create single line diagrams
Export to PDF
PVStream provides software tools for each stage of Solar Energy Project management: Proposal, design and monitoring. Eliminating the need for integration and switching between applications.
PVStream is fully web-based solution, all information is accessible from any device with Internet connection. All work happens in a web-browser.
Precise modeling and calculations even at proposal stages. Complex shading, energy simulation and wind-load algorithms for each stage of the project.
PVStream is hosted in a cloud, there is no need to install additional software. All services are available on subscription basis. Each client can configure PVStream for their own business.
In Spain, our partner is TecSostenible, a company that since the year 2000, specializes in the distribution of Sustainable Energy Technologies.
TecSostenible works with both installers and installation designers. Its mission is to change the existing fossil fuel based energy model by a clean, sustainable and local one by providing professionals with the best calculation tools, training and equipment. TecSostenible has an extended network of Authorized Installers that cover most of Spain.
To train and facilitate the use of PVStream, TecSostenible has created a dedicated YouTube Channel. Also, our Spanish partner has created a blog with the same objective where PVStream users can ask questions, make comments, suggestions, share experiences or just say hello to other PVStream users.
If you are based in Spain and are interested in trying our software, have questions or are interested in a demo, contact TecSostenible by clicking here or calling +34 937 943 391.
Training videos
3G+ Energy is a company focused on design and installation of PV Systems, offering solutions for customers and for PV Companies (both, Design and Installation). The mission is to offer everyone the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable world through solutions focused on excellence, creativity and social and environmental responsibility and based on the best PV Design and calculation tools.
3G+ Energy's work extends to all regions of Brazil.
To train and facilitate the use of PVStream, we are creating small courses on Udemy (will be available from October) and we are creating a blog with the same use where everyone can share questions, comments, suggestions and experiences with other PVStream users. For trying the software, ask questions or demo, the contact is comercial.pvstream@3gmaisbusiness.com or +55 83 99684 3793.
Plexus Energy is committed to providing customized power solutions through alternative energy sources. We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver cost-effective, simple, easy to install and practical solutions. With our state of the art technology, global field experience, and passion to give you the energy you need in an earth friendly way, we are the right partner for your energy needs:
Email: info@plexus-energy.co.ke Telephone No: +254 720 202040. Website: www.plexus-energy.co.ke
ReenTech Energy Solutions designs energy systems which take advantage of New Technologies, Green Energy and Digitalization of Services. The core of the company is the energy management tools developed to reduce costs and increase energy use from renewable sources. The systems will utilize battery energy storage systems, solar photovoltaic and high efficiency gensets using clean fuels. The solutions are designed by integrating all the new energy technologies for reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
Our hybrid micro grid solutions integrate the leading control systems and power generation sets for efficient, clean power to a wider range of industries in Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean.
Email: carlos@reentech.cz
Tel: +420 910 126 791
Planet Soar Shop is a one-stop online shop for all residences and businesses based in France.
Promoting best quality products and on the market competitive prices from:
Solar Panels
Solar Inverters
Solar Batteries
Online Show Room
Our online store also has a unique Online Showroom that allows you to visualise complex products in a simple and efficient way. You can get all the information on one page and contact our services to help you with the deployment. Planet Soar Shop also offers you the ability to design your project with our professional Configurator. Our ambition is to accelerate the installation of photovoltaic systems by offering a range of high-quality products at the best price and by making technologic products more accessible in just a few clicks.
SIA"PVStream" īsteno pētniecības projektu Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 1.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt privātā sektora investīcijas P&A" pasākuma "Atbalsts jaunu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrādei kompetences centru ietvaros" otrās projektu iesniegumu atlases kārtas ietvaros. Pētniecības projekta nosaukums: GEFEST, Projekts Nr. (
Galvenais uzņēmuma mērķis ir izpētīt un radīt inovatīvo produktu – matemātiskās simulācijas platformu (viedo tehnoloģiju – programmatūru), kura ļaus automātiski un ļoti precīzi noprognozēt un noteikt potenciālu saules enerģijas paneļiem, t. sk. efektivitāti, gan enerģētisko, gan ekonomisko, jebkurā ģeogrāfiskā lokācijā un dot cilvēcei rīku, kas dos iespēju ātri un automātiski izvērtēt potenciālu un saņemt objektīvu piedāvājumu lai pārslēgtos uz atjaunojamiem energoresursiem.
Pirmā ceturkšņa (01.04.2019. - 30.06.2019.) laikā SIA ”PVStream” un SIA ”Think Mobile”, “ GEFEST ” projekta ietvaros strādāja pēc pētījuma īstenošanas prasību precīzas definīcijas. Pētniecības un attīstības grupa, ar trešo pušu sniegto pakalpojumu palīdzību, spēja izpētīt pašreizējās tendences, analizējot ēnojumu ietekmi uz fotoelementu sistēmu, kā arī noteikt sākotnējā arhitektūras algoritma izstrādi, kas ļauj iekļaut iegūtās zināšanas programmatūras risinājumos un nodrošināt momentālus un precīzus rezultātus.
Otrā ceturkšņa (01.07.2019-30.09.2019) laikā SIA ”PVStream” un SIA ”Think Mobile”, “ GEFEST ” projekta ietvaros turpināja izpētīt un analizēt ēnojumu ietekmi uz fotoelementu sistēmu, turpināja izstrādāt ēnojumu algoritmu un arī strādāt ar mākslīgo neironu tīklu, kas ļauj noteikt ēnojuma ietekmi uz Saules paneļu sistēmas produktivitātes zudumu.
Trešā cetrukšņa (01.10.2019-31.12.2019) un ceturtā ceturkšna (01.01.2020-31.03.2020) laikā SIA ”PVStream” un SIA ”Think Mobile”, “ GEFEST ” projekta ietvaros iztrādāja algoritmu sistēmas eksperimentālo versiju, notestēja algoritumu, izveidoja un pārbaudīja GEFEST PVS un GEFEST Sunc integrāciju.
Projekta ietvaros tika sasniegti šādi rezultāti:
Identificēti visi nepieciešamie dati un sistēmas elementi programmatūras izstrādei, kas atbilst mērķa sasniegšanas nosacījumiem.
Energoieguves un energosadales algoritmam tika definēti nepieciešamo bloku un komponenšu parametri, kā arī izstrādāta algoritmu vadības blokshēma.
Balstoties uz izstrādāto integrācijas koncepta plānu, bija izstrādāta moduļa arhitektūra, atsevišķu komponentu struktūra, visi nepieciešamie algoritmi un to bloki.
Solāras sistēmas ražības prognozēšanas sadaļai tika izveidots mākslīgais neironu tīkls, kas ļauj noteikt ēnojuma ietekmi uz solāras sistēmas ražības zudumiem.
SIA PVStream ir noslēdzis 26.03.2019 līgumu Nr. VP-L-2019/21 ar Latvijas Investīciju un Attīstības Aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu vaučera programmas ietvaros. Pētījuma mērķis ir izstrādāt pirmo pamatmoduli, kas ir aprēķina matemātiskais algoritms (IT risinājums), kas veiks elektroenerģijas ražīguma aprēķinu pēc saules paneļu parametriem, uzstādīšanas augstuma, leņķa un orientācijas, uzstādīšanas vietas un pieejamiem meteoroloģiskiem datiem.
SIA “PVStream” 06.06.2019. noslēdza līgumu Nr.IZ-L-2019/45 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalstu dalībai izstādēs un konferencēs, kā arī tiešo vizīšu pie potenciālā investora vai sadarbības partnera ārvalstīs nodrošināšanai Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektā „Tehnoloģiju pārneses programma” (projekta identifikācijas numurs